Posts in Blog
Preparing For Summer with Secure Storage Containers

This recent period of hot weather has got the UK excited and ready for summer. Whether you’re gearing up for a garden party or preparing for a staycation, secure storage containers can be incredibly useful at this time of year. The Store That team want to lend a helping hand to you this season by sharing some of the best ways you can use our storage facilities in London in order to make this summer the best yet.

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Storage East London: How to Save Space in London Flats

Living in London can be expensive. Those who move to the city often choose to live in the tiniest of spaces to cut down costs. However, just because your space is small, doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of it. Often people in London find they have no space to store their belongings, however, you can still have a well organised place to live. With Store That’s Storage East London and other methods, you can optimise the space you have available.

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Store That Explore the Use of Self-Container Storage in Stars Wars

May the 4th be with you! This Wednesday, the world celebrates the wonderful Star Wars Day, and so, to celebrate, the Store That team wanted to take a closer look at the films! You may not think that these films can teach us much about storage, but that’s where you’re wrong. The use of storage in a galaxy far far away, can actually help us here in the real world to understand our storage options and the creative ways we can use them.

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Personal Self-Storage Containers Vs Office Storage in London

Storage unit facilities don’t have to be used for just one thing! Whether you’re looking for self-storage containers for your furniture, or office storage in London to ease the stress of a small office space, Store Thatcan help you. Our team wanted to give you the low down on how you can store both personal items and office items with us, plus how it will benefit you!

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Why You Need Sea Container Storage in London

You may have heard of sea container storage in London, but do you know why you might need to use it? There are many reasons people may seek to utilise local self-storage companies, however, there isn’t just one type of storage unit. Sea container storage can be used for a variety of things for many reasons. In this blog, the Store That team are going to shine the storage spotlight on sea containers and how they can benefit you!

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Sea Container Rentals VS Drive Up Units in E14

When it comes to choosing storage unit options, sea container rentals and drive-up units are two popular choices that many people consider. Although both have their advantages, you may decide to use our internal units instead. Here at Store That, we want to ensure you make the best decision in regard to your storage unit size and type. In this blog, we are going to talk about the benefits of the above types of unit, so you can make an informed decision.

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Renting Container Storage in London

Renting container storage in London can make all the difference to your life and your home. It can, however, although a simple process, not many people knowing where to start. The team at Store That are here to help you feel a little less overwhelmed. We want to make your storage unit journey a simple one, so let’s take a look at the do’s and don’ts of renting container storage in London.

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Storing Valued Items in Storage Facilities in London

Storage facilities in London can be a life saver; flats with minimal space can prove a nightmare, but storage facilities can ease the stress this presents. If you are someone who has valued belongings, whether that’s sentimental or monetary and you have nowhere to store them, Store That can help! We have been storing for over 70 years, so we know a thing or two about how you should be storing your items. In this blog, the Store That team are going to share some of their knowledge with you!

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How To Store Your Vintage Items with Store That

Here at Store That, we understand the importance of taking care of any vintage or collector’s items you have tucked away. However, vintage collections can often end up taking up a lot of space, leaving you to turn to a storage unit as a solution. Whether you collect 1970’s clothing or retro comic books, storing these items can be a delicate process. We thought we would offer some handy tips and tricks to help you if you’re looking to store your vintage items with us.

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Tips for Cleaning Your Storage Rental in London

Spring is so close we can almost taste it! Whilst spring cleaning your home is natural at this time of year, don’t forget to give your storage rental in London some love too. It can be easy to forget to clean your unit, but it is vital your space is kept tidy. Although dust is bound to accumulate, Store That have put together some cleaning tips to ensure your units stays as clean as it can.

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How Can Sea Container Rentals Aid Your Fitness Journey?

We know it’s February but, a fitness journey isn’t just for January! If you’ve managed to make it through the first month of the year and stick to the rigorous fitness routine you set for yourself, the Store That team congratulate you. As the year progresses, you may want to find ways to ensure you continue on the right path – our sea container rentals can help you do just that!

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Store That Explores the Use Secure Storage Containers in Doctor Who’s Eve Of The Daleks

There’s only one thing that can get past the security of secure storage containers and that’s The Doctor. On New Year’s Day, Doctor Who special ‘Eve of The Daleks’ aired and this episode in particular was set in a storage unit facility! Store That have talked about The Doctor’s use of storage units before, but we thought this new episode deserved its own special mention.

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