Posts in Blog
Using Storage Units in London to Clean Up After Christmas

Christmas day has come and gone, and despite the festivities continuing for some people up until the New Year, it’s time to start thinking about the dreaded aftermath. Now, there’s no need to move just yet (we know you’re probably still recovering from the Christmas dinner, but it helps to be prepared with storage units in London. Store That are here to tell you how our units can ease the transition from Christmas back to normality.

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Store That E14 discuss the best London Christmas Lights in 2021

The staff here at Store That E14 are fully in the Christmas spirit now! With only two weeks to go, if you’re like us, you’ll be looking to pack your days filled with festive fun. Here in London, the seasons spirits are never dull, and that is mostly to do with the amazing collection of light displays the capital has to offer! The Store That team wanted to give a little run down of our favourite Christmas light installations this year.

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New Home Gift Guide from Store That

The Christmas gift panic is truly setting in now. The struggle to find the perfect gift for your loved ones is a yearly battle but this year, Store That are here to help. With many people choosing to move into new homes this year, why not combine your housewarming gift with your Christmas gifts? We have put together a handy guide for the best gifts to give new home owners this year!

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Prepare Your Home for Christmas with Storage Units in E14

Yes, we know it’s November, but Christmas is closer than you think! With only a matter of days till December, everyone (including the team here at Store That) is feeling Christmassy – maybe you’ve even got those decorations up like we have? If you find the festive season gets you panicked, have no fear, our storage units in E14 can prove incredibly handy over the next month and we’re going to tell you why in this blog!

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How Store That’s Secure Storage Containers Can Fulfil Your Travel Needs

The world is well and truly opening up again; we are now able to travel further than we have been able to in the past year and a half. With people looking to not only go on holiday, but also to go travelling for a few months, secure storage containers have never been more important. Here at Store That, we have a range of secure units for you to choose from. We wanted to give you the run down on the ways our storage can help you out if you’re thinking of going away over the coming months.

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Transforming Your Rooftop Garden: Top Tips and How Storage Units in E14 Can Help

If you live in London, you will be aware that only a small number of properties have a garden attached. With so many flats in the capital, roof gardens have become the new trend to help residents find a little bit of green within the concrete jungle. Store That have put together a blog to help you transform your space with a little help from our storage units in E14.

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The Transition for Autumn: using a self-storage container to prepare for a new season

We all spend September in a fashion limbo; it’s not cold enough for winter; it’s not warm enough for summer. Here at Store That, we say that cleaning isn’t just for Spring. Maybe it’s time to get a self-storage container and shift that summer wardrobe because, let’s face it, it’s not getting any warmer! It’s not only your wardrobe that needs a shift. We’ve put together a blog covering the ways to use a self-storage container to prepare for autumn.

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What the World of Pokémon Can Teach Us About Using a Self-Storage Container

If you are excitedly wating to get your hands on the Diamond and Pearl Pokémon remakes in November just like we are, then we have just the thing to fill your time! Here at Store That we wanted to take a dive into the fabulous use of storage in the Pokémon world and what it can teach us about using a self-storage container to store our own belongings!

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Student Storage Units in E14: Preparing for The Move to University

With September fast approaching, A-Level students across the country are getting ready to start university. Now we know student life is a little different this time around, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the best experience. It also means that you’re going to need to store some of your belongings as you move into a smaller space. Here at Store That, we’ve put together a list of ways storage units in E14 can ease your transition into this new chapter of your life and help you throughout your student years.

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