Store That Canary Wharf: 5 Signs You’re Ready To Go Back to Uni
Store That Canary Wharf team understand the feeling, your exams are all done and dusted. Halls have been cleaned for possibly the first time since you got there and summer is your first glimpse of freedom since Easter. But as soon as you get home, your mum starts nagging about you staying in bed until 2pm or she starts interrogating you about your future. After days of being bothered by family, it’s easy to start wishing the summer away; wanting to reunite with your uni friends again and start to feel independent again!
If this wasn’t a sign that you want to go back to uni; Store That Self Storage East London have put together a list of the most important signs.
● Your friends at home are now sick of hearing your uni stories.
Yes, we get it! You once downed twenty jägerbombs before passing out on the side of the road. If this is what you are used to hearing now you have told all your best drinking stories from university, it’s probably time to head back to uni!
● When your hometown makes you feel claustrophobic and you’re sick of seeing all the people you hate.
One of the reasons for choosing a university far from your hometown is to get away from your tiny hometown and all the people from school you hated. That means when you come back from uni, you are reminded of all the reasons you left! It’s time to leave when you feel you can’t stomach being nice to old school acquaintances any longer.
● Your sleeping pattern is close to being that of a normal person.
Are you starting to wake up before 10am and go to bed just after 10pm? Whether it’s your Mum’s nagging to get you up or the ‘university insomnia’ fading away. You’re starting to develop a normal person’s sleeping pattern (shock horror!)
● You have started planning your outfit for your first day back.
After a few weeks worth of shopping done during your summer break; you’ve amassed more than enough outfits to last you until next term. And in that, you have got a killer outfit planned out for you first day back at university so you can show off the impressive amount of weight you have shed over the summer. Obviously by putting it back on with numerous takeaways and alcoholic beverages.
● You can’t remember the last time you went out more than once in a week.
Getting bored of going out on a Friday night? Missing a trip to the student union on a Wednesday evening? It’s probably time to get back to university.
You may think you’re ready to go back to university, but are you really?
Most of you will be heading out of halls and into your very own accommodation which can be a stressful process. Especially having to organize a moving date that suits all your housemates. In the meantime, Store That Canary Wharf would suggest using one of our storage units for that transition between halls and new uni home!
Store That Storage East London provide a number of self-storage solutions including storage space E14 in a variety of sizes.
From 20 – 155sqft, our storage units in E14 are completely secure with CCTV coverage and 24-hour in house security. We also offer drive up units and sea container rentals for any of our customers who need ease of access and large storage spaces.